Por uma prática sem valor: a suficiência e a conveniência poética do psicanalista
Interpretation, poetic function, AturditoAbstract
In the Seminar L’Insu (1976-77), Lacan poses a question: Would the Psychoanalyst be poet enough? This is the provocation he leaves us with, further affirming that “only poetry allows interpretation”. In my development, I will highlight that the articulation between interpretation and poetry, and therefore the laws of language, are present in Lacan’s teaching since at least The instance of the letter (1958). Lacan has demonstrated – with Freud – that the symptom, as well as the dream, is a metaphor, a code whose logic responds to the same laws which orient the significant combination: a metaphor and a metonym: the metaphoric structure, specifically, produces an effect of signification which is poetry or creation. Would the interpretation then be equal to the structure of the unconscious? I will try to work on this question departing from three short perspectives: 1) An irreducible significant; 2) A saying; 3) A new significant.
São Paulo: Editora Cultrix, 1969, 118 p.
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