A posição do sujeito no laço totalitário do capitalismo contemporâneo
capitalism, alienation, social bond, totalitarianism, goodsAbstract
The original and constitutive alienation of the subject leads him to offer himself as an instrument of an Other ( an Omnipotent Father), in hope of escaping from the ordinary sufferings of the human life. This constitutes the structural and 'trans-historical' disposition of the social bond, present in any human society. lhe aim of this work is to point out the existence of an additional of alienation in the social bond implied by capitalism, which answers for a growing enlargement and a progressive increase of the subject alienation, in this specific historical way of society. It proposes an articulation between the 'paternal metaphor' formulated by Lacan and the social institution of the 'general-equivalent’, formulated by Marx, which permits to establish 'exchange-value' of goods. It argues that it allowed the fixation and standardization of what was designed here by 'desire-value' by objects, making possible a criticai point in the historical transformations, when it articulates the subject to the object cause of the desire' and produce an extraordinary strengthening of the capitalistic social bond ( the 'capitalist discourse') and its totalitarian inertia.
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