CORPOEMA: O homem, ser-para-a-arte, e seu corpo


  • Antonio Quinet



Body, lalingua, creation, scenic arts


The author argues and justifies that the body of the talkto- be has nothing natural because once it goes through the effects of lalingua, it denaturalizes. It is also argued that the relationship with lalingua is that of creation and that each person will have his/her own “language”, not only for speaking, but also, his/her way of walking, dancing, singing, positioning himself/herself, establishing relationships. The incidence of “lalingua” will take place in his/her body – stage for the manifestations of the real unconscious. To ponder over such a theme and build up his argument, the author counts on various references to psychoanalysis, philosophy, literature and scenic arts, particularly the actor’s work, concluding that, as man has a natural tendency to mimesis, that is, man is a being-forart, theater is then the place of the embodied poetry, of the significant in full pleasure, of the letter which turns itself into voice, the place where the author demonstrates the phonetic materiality of the word, the pleasure of lalingua, the place where it is possible to transform his body into a poem, a “poembody”.


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Author Biography

Antonio Quinet

Psicanalista, Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de Paris VII (Vincennes), Professor do Mestrado de Psicanálise (UVA). AME da Escola de Psicanálise Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano / Fórum Rio de Janeiro. Dramaturgo e Diretor da Cia. Inconsciente em Cena (RJ).


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How to Cite

Quinet, A. (2010). CORPOEMA: O homem, ser-para-a-arte, e seu corpo. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (21), pp. 19–28.