A interpretação como valor de verdade e como função poética
interpretation, symptom, meaning, poetic functionAbstract
The article sets to develop the implications for interpretation deriving from the two horizons of the signifier pointed out by Lacan in The Knowledge of the Psychoanalyst, namely, a mathematician and a maternal/material. The goal then is, on the one hand, to consider the logical dimension of interpretation as the translation into words of the value of truth which the symptom is while working as a function. Under such a perspective, the symptom can be understood as an unconscious fixation of jouissance through the equipping of a language whose code and functioning comprise the work of interpretation. On the other hand, in the last years of Lacan’s teaching, we find the interpretation articulated from the poetic function, in which the emphasis is given by itself to the message, while other elements of communication become secondary. It is proposed at the end that if, one the one hand, one cannot expect the ultimate meaning from an analysis, on the other hand, one should not take it to the exclusion point of the meaning. This is where the symptom comes in, not as crystallized significance, but as the necessary barrel for the flow of meaning, effect of meaning, through which a possible economy of jouissance produces a minimum necessary fixation (a function) for enjoyment from the unconscious.
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