Os nós do amor e dos gozos
Love, jouissance, sexual identity, enoding, psychoanalysisAbstract
If analysis demand concerning the deadlocks in love has remained updated until today, a second demand has emerged from it. This demand has acquired more and more value in the discourse of the analysis patient, surpassing sometimes the complaint about the obstacles in love. The demand refers to jouissance. It sometimes take the shape of a question related to satisfaction: am I satisfied enough or
could I be a little bit more? Sometimes this matter gets mixed with love. But, currently, the satisfaction related to jouissance, is to become several times a demand addressed to the analyst, and it radically excludes love. It is true that love targets the being of the sexual partner, but it does not find him/her. With jouissance, we have a sample of the sexual being, the being him/herself, but also the other. On the other hand, loves generates failure and what stimulates jouissance, partly, remains opaque. The question posed for us is to know what founds the enoding of love and jouissance, and, above all, what allows it to say that it is the consequence of an analysis? I believe it is right here where the true question of Lacanian orientation lies, and that it can be formulated in such way: the satisfaction for the end of the analysis is the effect of a certainty in relation to the sexual identity as a condition to access to a new love. The enoding, then, comprises three dimensions: sexual identity, love, and jouissance. And it is only about an operation which implies jouissance that we give a new love a chance. This love, as Lacan would argue, will stand from being to being. In other words, this is not love of the same kind.
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