Homensexual e heteridade
Heteros, semblant, homosexual, sexAbstract
Based on Lacan, this article seeks to demonstrate that homosexuality does not exist, as for sex to take place, both sexes are needed. Taking the texts “L’.tourdit” and in the “Seminar Encore”, both by Lacan, from the early 1970s, it is demonstrated through the formulae of sexuation that it does not matter on which side in division of the of the sexes one is, the sexuality of the parlêtre is always of the order of Heteros, beyond the anatomical difference of the sexes. In order for sexuality between man and woman, two men, or two women to exist, the presence of the hetero element is crucial, which is the relation between a fully phallic element and a non-fully phallic one.
Zahar Editor, 2003, pp. 448-97.
_________. (1972-73). O seminário, livro 20: Mais, ainda. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar
Editores, 1982.
QUINET. A. Os outros em Lacan. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2012.
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