Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works

notes on concetti, poetics and interpretation




Concetti, Poetic function, Interpretation


The interpretation, in the psychoanalytic clinic, “must be poetic”, Lacan writes to the Sino-French poet, François Cheng, during the seminar L’insu que sait…. Many years earlier, in Desire and its interpretation, Lacan had emphasized the term concetti extracted from an enigmatic phrase of the ghost directed to prince Hamlet: Step between her and her fighting soul: Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works. Lacan recalls the phantom’s appeal to the analysts suggesting, even at that time, that poetics could well serve us to touch this unfathomable space of the speaking being between him and himself. This work investigates these two moments, double singing of the appeal to the poetic function in the interpretation.


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How to Cite

PINHO, M. X. (2019). Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works: notes on concetti, poetics and interpretation. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (38), pp. 165 – 177.

