A little, a part and what escapes

what the catastrophe represents


  • Glaucia Nagem de Souza
  • Lucília Maria Abrahão e Sousa Universidade de São Paulo - USP RIbeirão Preto




Psychoanalysis, Art, Trauma, Real


This article was written based on the study of the book Catástrofe e representação (Nestrovski & Seligmann-Silva, 2000) and the possible relationships with some concepts dear to psychoanalysis, such as trauma and Real, by the Discursive Laboratory: Subject, Electronic Network and Senses in Movement (EL@DIS) research group in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. To dialogue with such theoretical articulations, we included the analysis of the works of the Romanian artist Avigdor Arikha and the German artist Anselm Kiefer. The former was a Jew who remained alive in the concentration camps due to the Nazis’ interest in his drawings and who continued working on intimate poetics, and the latter was a German born at the end of the Second World War, has a monumental poetic that seeks to constantly represent Germany’s past so as not to let the horrors that were established in the nation’s history fall into oblivion.


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Author Biography

Glaucia Nagem de Souza

Psicóloga. Psicanalista, membrodo Fórum do Campo Lacaniano de São Paulo. Artista Plástica.



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How to Cite

Nagem de Souza, G., & Abrahão e Sousa, L. M. (2024). A little, a part and what escapes: what the catastrophe represents. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(48), pp. 43–56. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.v1i48.1123

