What an analyst cannot do in the hospital
the position of the analyst and the logic of comfort through psychoanalysis in the face of hospital demands
Psychoanalysis, Hospital, ComfortAbstract
The objective of this work is to propose not only the definition of the analyst's position, but also the defense of the logic of offering comfort through Psychoanalysis in the face of hospital demands. It had, as an initial motivation, the observation that patients, family members and hospital teams expect to receive, from the figure of the analyst (represented by the psychologist), a specific type of comfort and guarantee of well-being. Therefore, this research also aims to clarify what an analyst in the hospital cannot do in view of this expectation established by the actors in this scenario. To this end, it was intended to deepen the available knowledge on the subject from the survey of bibliographic data in a qualitative approach, having, as a research source, concepts and proposals described in books, articles and texts of a scientific nature, mainly by authors such as Freud and Maria Livia T. Moretto. Soon, it was revealed that the unconscious, as the focus of Psychoanalytic action, must be considered for the analyst to support the deviation of the comfort guarantees as they are demanded. Such guarantees, in addition to being impossible to guarantee, do not consider the unique and singular formation of each subject, being contrary to the constitution of meaning that operates in Psychoanalysis. Thus, it is still the analyst's responsibility to promote the psychoanalytic management in the hospital environment that makes the patient, family member and team elaborate rearrangements along with the symptoms, generating effects that sustain, in a healthy way, the subjectivity of the subject in the treatment and in the positioning against the disease.
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