Thinking about psychosomatics and its relationship with the feminine
Psychosomatic phenomenon, Enjoyment, FeminineAbstract
This work aims to establish a discussion about psychosomatics and its relationship with the feminine through fragments of a clinical case of a patient who lives with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, based on psychoanalysis, especially through the teaching of Jacques Lacan. It deals with the economy of jouissance in the psychosomatic phenomenon, pointing out the presence of a specific type of jouissance, relating it to the issue of more jouissance in the feminine: the jouissance of the Other which, unlike the phallic jouissance, does not find representation in the symbolic field . It presents, therefore, the challenge that is in the psychoanalytic clinic the psychosomatic phenomenon, where the body takes the place of the word, imposing itself as the main character in an enigmatic plot of a jouissance that denounces symbolic impotence, while showing itself to be strange. , unknown, but which remains alive and unlimited in its manifestations.
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