The future of the real depends upon the subject
Psychoanalysis, Symptom, CultureAbstract
Based on Lia Silveira’s observation in the call for the XXI National Meeting of the EPFCL-Brazil, which articulates Lacan’s phrase according to which “the meaning of the symptom depends on the future of the real,” I propose an inversion that doubles it, in the topology of the double loop, or interior eight, in which the gap created by the cut is closed after a second trip around a fictional axis. Already denoted by Lacan in his sentence, this proposal bets on our function as psychoanalysts as an instrument to support that the future of the real does not lead us to the paths of the Animal Farm, by Georges Orwell, or the Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. I incorporate the distinction between the symptom in Lacan’s The Third and the symptom as revealing a message from the unconscious, a distinction made by Colette Soler in her second lecture during the beforementioned meeting, and I link it with the role of the psychoanalyst in psychoanalysis in intention and extension. This proposal calls for our responsibility, as analysts, to support the Freudian cause, contrary to the dominant discourses that, if not blocked, are taking us to those pathsDownloads
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