How trauma affects the humain body

symptom, fantasy and trauma


  • JULIANA SPERANDIO FARIA Participante do collège clinique de Paris e doutoranda da universidade de Paris VII



trauma, fantasy, symptom, body, psychic reality


The trauma is at the origin of the neurosis and at the base under the analysis’s demand, but trauma is also one of the names used for these moments when the “real” can break into someone. If the psychoanalysis is born from the abandon of Freud’s idea about the trauma in the reality, it’s because he understood that “reality” is always psychic and made of this fiction we called “fundamental fantasy”. However, there are no doubt, the “real” of the death traumatizes by revealing the impotence of the symbolic. The traumatic event is contingent, and it’s not necessarily related to the particular answer from each individual. We have now the COVID exemplifying one disease that you couldn’t be waiting or prepared to deal with. For that we can’t have no doubts, this is a traumatic event and it’s not related with our individual’s fantasies. If psychoanalysis trust in the desire and in the unconscious, we could also say that’s a wager in the symbolic as a possible way to structure the trauma for all human experiences. For this reason, we have some questions: Is the person always a victim of the traumatic event? Is there a connection between the contingent and the traumatic of the fantasy and the symptom? The trauma is it always with a subjective participation? The clinical case studied in this text may help us think about the complexity notion of “trauma” in psychoanalysis and also about the particular way to listen when you are in the analyst’s place.


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How to Cite

FARIA, J. S. (2023). How trauma affects the humain body : symptom, fantasy and trauma . Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(43), pp. 111–121.




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