Desire and recognition
a brief analysis of the poem “Chanson of a Lady in the Shadow” by Paul Celan
Paul Celan, Desire, Recognition, DialecticsAbstract
This article is about the poem “Chanson of a Lady in the Shadow” by Paul Celan published in his book “Poppy and Memory” of 1952. This article presents some reflections on the scenario built by the poet, the impressions left by the poem and proposes a interpretation as to intersections between desire and recognition are present in the text flow. For the analysis of the poem, Alexandre Kojève's reading of the dialectic of recognition in Hegel (relation of master and slave) is used. Also, the article discusses the early moments of Jacques Lacan's teachings, from which the theme of the game is approached as a representation of a set of rules, which, in its structure, contains a negativity, which appears to be expressed in this poem as a “possibility of name".
CELAN, Paul. Cristal. Organização e tradução de Claudia Cavalcante. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 1999.
HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Fenomenologia do Espírito (1807). Tradução de Paulo Meneses. 2. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2011.
KOJÈVE, Alexandre. Introdução à leitura de Hegel (1947). Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, 2014.
LACAN, Jacques. O Seminário, livro 1: os escritos técnicos de Freud (1953-1954). 2ª ed.. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2009.
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