Tempo de Laiusar


  • Antonio Quinet




Real father, Oedipus myth, duration of the analysis


The article begins with a discussion about the appearance, nowadays, of the real father-figure, bound to the downfall of the symbolic Law. Next, it analyzes the Oedipus myth seen through the prism of the real father, in order to point out, at the passage from myth to structure, the function of the father’s jouissance in producing the neurotic’s symptoms. Thus the neurotic is the one who prefers to save the father and know nothing of his crimes. The article ends with the affirmation that the duration of the analysis corresponds to the time to dare-laios, the time Oedipus did not give himself, the time to trace the investigation of his background to his origins in Laio, his father’s, crimes. It takes time to behold the subject’s boundless jouissance, to let it waste enough to show itself for what it is: nothing, emptied of jouissance.


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Author Biography

Antonio Quinet

Psiquiatra, Psicanalista, Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de Paris VII (Vincennes), AME da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano – Fórum do Rio de Janeiro, autor de: 4+1 condições da análise (Jorge Zahar Editor), Teoria e clínica da psicose (Forense Universit.ria), A descoberta do inconsciente (Jorge Zahar Editor), Um olhar a mais (Jorge Zahar Editor), A lição de Charcot (Jorge Zahar Editor), Psicose e laço social (Jorge Zahar Editor) e Artorquato (Editora 7 Letras).


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How to Cite

Quinet, A. (2009). Tempo de Laiusar. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (18), pp. 25–32. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.vi18.870