O corpo no RSI
Body, clinical structures (hysteria, obsession, paranoia), Real, Symbolic, and Imaginary, Id, Ego, and SuperegoAbstract
The author examines how the subject handles the body in light of the following clinical structures: neurosis and psychosis. A second connection between this handling and dimensions of the Real, the Symbolic, and the Imaginary is made. The author considers RSI a friendlier
tool than IES (Id, Ego, and Superego), in order to differentiate neurosis from psychosis. The work proposes to designate the hysterical mode of the subject of the unconscious used to treat the speaking body, of Imaginary effect from the significant on the body (effect I of S1); the obsessive mode through which the subject of the unconscious handles the speaking body, of Symbolic effect of the signifier on the body (effect S of S1) and, finally, the paranoid way the subject of the unconscious operates the speaking body, the effect Real of the significant on the body (effect R of S1).
à Saúde. Décima Revisão. Organização Mundial da
Saúde. São Paulo: EDUSP, s/d.
FREUD, Sigmund. [1924] Neurose e na psicose. Edição standard
brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1976. v. XIX.
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