O Discurso Capitalista
Psychoanalysis, capitalist discourse, social bond, surplus- valueAbstract
In November of 2000, in Toulouse (France), Colette Soles gave this lecture about the capitalist discourse, proposed by Lacan in the 1970’s. “It is the same notion of the Lacanian field which is revisited here, from that element which nominates the extension of the field in which the analytical discourse has something to say”. Opening her conference, Soler calls the attention to a paradox in the notion of the capitalist discourse: Lacan conceived a discours which undoes the social bond, instead of tying it. Soler also asks herself to what extent what Lacan wrote about the capitalist discourse was envisioning, and to what extent what he wrote at that time is forcefully verified nowadays, even if it was not as clear when he worked on it. Soler ends the conference by asking the following question: “What can psychoanalysis say and do?” This question will be re-launched by the IF-EPFCL, in July 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, at the VII International Seminar, whose central theme is: “What does the psychoanalyst respond? Ethics and clinic.”
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