Mulher, semblante e corpo: entre o empuxo à mulher na psicose e o sintoma da coqueteria histérica
Semblance, body-female, hysteria, symptomAbstract
Lacan situates the concept of semblance on the line that goes from the symbolic to the real, gateway to his last theoretical elaboration devoted to the clinic of knots. Departing in pursuit of the real, the symbolic finds the semblance, finds the being and fails for not recognizing that failure. The case which I called “Regina” illustrates this failure: the subject in the quest for making oneself exist as a woman in a sexual relationship that does not exist, finds in her partner the abyss of his own lack-of-being. Despite the profusion of phenomena that chop her body, Regina is a neurotic subject. The case allows us to observe the distinction between the psychotic feminization with the “push towards woman” and the feminine position, which for this subject, presents itself as the hysterical coquetry to the extent that in neurosis the feminine falls into the not-all phallicto the extent that in neurosis the feminine falls into the not-all phallic.
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