A escolha do sexo: o que dizem disso?


  • Marc Strauss




Language, jouissance, pallus, other jouissance, subject, symptom


Human reality is interwoven by language. It is language which grants it with meaning, of which the subject is a prisoner, although he/she is not aware of it. Effectively, what makes this the key and assures its coherence is an essentially unconscious process. According to the structure, this key is phallic and it determines the jouissance related to the ghost; or it has to be built by the subject him/herself. But the meaning is not the total of the significant materiality of language. A residue always remains, and it reveals its dimension of jouissance. Lacan associated the

non overall phallic part to the female jouissance. It brings its own characteristics, and deciding to take it into consideration modifies the whole of the analytical experience, until its end.


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Author Biography

Marc Strauss

Psiquiatra, psicanalista. Ex-residente dos Hopitaux Psychiatriques de la Région Parisienne. Ex-assistente de Consultas no Hospital Sainte-Anne (Paris). Membro Fundador da EPFCL, AME, Docente no Collège de Clinique Psychanalytique de Paris.


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How to Cite

Strauss, M. (2015). A escolha do sexo: o que dizem disso?. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (30), pp. 69–77. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.vi30.683

