Nova economia sexual
Sexuation, sexual act, choice, body happening, symptomAbstract
The author faces the following question: how is the body to body of the heterosexual act installed once Freud’s discovery “there are partial pulsations, but not genital pulsation” results in the “there is no sexual relationship”? Two paradoxical phrases by Lacan: “they have a choice” and “the sexed beings authorize themselves” open up the disjunction between the sexual choice of the overall or the phallic non overall and the body practices themselves. If there is a forced choice of jouissance identity, this does not decide on the partner of the encounter in act with sex. Hiatus, not any longer hidden by the capitalist discourse, and this makes explicit the “new sexual economy” of current times and the possible and singular incidence of psychoanalysis over today’s destinies of curse over sex.
Outros escritos. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2001.
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