A imensa precariedade do desejo
Analyst’s desire, satisfaction, bond, vitalAbstract
The end of the analysis, the satisfaction that turns into a final statement, and the dedication to satisfy other urgent cases, to me, are three points that meet together to provoke a question that I regard as crucial in Lacan: which reasons make us become analysts? Which reason takes us to “fulfill the needs of the a-cargo”? The School does not produce the analyst’s desire, it is a contingence of an analysis, but to the original experience. Founded by Lacan, it brings us, one by one, to return the vital, its link with life, the effect connection of a new work with the real. A possible way, is that we, analysts, once in a while, move from the comfortable seat to the uncomfortable bench in order to have us remember that we shall abandon the rigor requited for our action. If we forget this, the psychoanalytical experience – and the Schools as its refuge – will have wasted all possible connection with life…
Jornada La Escuela a Viva Voz, Buenos Aires, 2015.
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LACAN, J. (1976). “Prefácio à edição inglesa do Seminário 11” In: Outros escritos.
Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Ed., 2003.
PACHECO, A. L. El Pase: el artificio inmundo que recoge el desecho de la Humanidad.
Trabalho apresentado em Tucumán, 2012.
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