Do mel ao fel: Metamorfoses da estratégia de gozo em Roman Polanski¹
Neurosis, perversion, clinical structure, jouissance, object a, topology, Seminar 16Abstract
As much as other works in Roman Polanski’s curriculum, “Bitter Moon”, from 1992, exhibited in Brazil as “Lua de Fel”, is a striking movie. At different moments in the footage, the characters Oscar and Mimi trade themselves in the position of torturer and tortured of each other in classical scenes of the recipe BDSM (Bondage/ Discipline, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism). A desperate search to re-encounter the desire through an erotic sadomasochist woman? Or is it all about something more crucial, of that type of thing that would invite analysts to reflect about the clinical structure of the subjects? This becomes clearer from the part do the movie in which the plot includes the couple Fiona and Nigel. The fact of the author of the romance, Pascal Bruckner, on which the film is based being known for philosophizing and coming up with theories about love, just makes interpretation even more controversial. Although film characters are not to be confused with “clinical cases”, art works have always become a source of potential search for psychoanalysts to go deeper in their stories. The objective of this work is to interrogate the characters from “Bitter moon” and its plot, aiming at a reflection about the distinctive structural aspects between neurosis and perversion. The topological stratified ordering of the Other, perforated by the object a and the functioning of this empty place as a polarizer and core of jouissance attraction – from what Lacan defined the function more-of jouissance – allows them to advance and go deeper into a larger comprehension of the clinical structures of neurosis and perversion.
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