A arte da e(s)quivocação ou a arte de se esquivar pelo equívoco
Proper name, bond, diplomacyAbstract
We propose to play with the word equivocation adding to it an “s” thus changing it to e(s)quivocation (a slip that can be sorted out or avoided), so that we can work on the relationship between the sound and its sameness with meaning, and how something that is taken as mistaken allows the opening of a division we would consider as diplomatic. The effects that this division causes in the subject and in the social bond are stressed out, taking several examples like a clinical case, the Joyce case, and Lacan himself in Seminar 23 . A few questions then are posed: How are the bonds that sustain the artist and the spectator, the insane and the Other? What makes such bonds to happen? How are the proper of the name and the bond simultaneously articulated?
Amorrortu, 1992. Tomo VII.
GRAVES, R. Los mitos griegos. Buenos Aires: Ed. Ariel, 2007.
LACAN, J. (1955-56). O seminário, livro 3: As psicoses. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar
Ed., 1985.
_______. (1975-76). O seminário, livro 23: O sinthoma. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge
Zahar Ed., 2007.
SOLER, C. Lacan, lo inconsciente reinventado. Buenos Aires: Ed. Amorrortu,
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