Problemas cruciais para a formação do analista na atualidade:

O sujeito suposto saber em questão


  • Ronaldo Torres



Preparation, Current times, knowledge, transference, discourse


In this work, the speaker examines issues related to the preparation of the analyst in actuality. He recapitulates the important emphasis placed on educa- tion by Freud and Lacan, indicating the field of analytical experience itself and the core of this operation. He strengthens the common use of the term “actua- lity”, highlighting its fundamental presence in the psychoanalytical clinic from the transference as also proposed by Lacan in the condition of “the placement in an act of the reality of the unconscious.” It is in such a scope, connected to the transference, that the notion of knowing is inserted as the trajectory of the subject supposed to know and, at the end, as a contingent subjective contribution. Later on, the work debates the finite and infinite dimensions articulated to the sub- ject’s position in relation to knowledge. The text then brings the contribution of reflecting about the analyst’s preparation as an operation connected to the social bond typical of the discourse of the analyst (the theory of the four discourses) and handles its presentation in what Lacan has coined psychoanalysis in extension.


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Author Biography

Ronaldo Torres

Psicanalista. Doutor pelo Instituto de Psicologia (USP)


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How to Cite

Torres, R. (2016). Problemas cruciais para a formação do analista na atualidade:: O sujeito suposto saber em questão. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (33), pp. 11–27.