The alternative Political routes of deconstruction from Brazil’s Psychiatric reform
Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, Des-nstitutionalization, Science, Neoliberalism, Policy of Psychosocial CareAbstract
In this article, the authors, guided by the axis of deinstitutionalization as essential to the principles and the implementation of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, examine its political-historical determinants, its strong character of a critical and transdisciplinary scientificity, that must be severely distinguished from what is misleading today as Science, the fruit of an “evidence-based” neo-positivism which does not however consider the most decisive factors in determining the most severe clinical conditions, always including the relationship of madness with the social and political space of each historical period. The research also uses certain political analyzers, such as neoliberalism which developed in Brazil at the same time as the implementation of the Reformation, although in the opposite direction, reaching the RAPS (Psychosocial Attention Network), demonstrating how this “network”, while supposing to create what always existed in the logic of the CAPS (Centers of Psychosocial Attention), it ends up contradicting important principles of the policy of psychosocial care itself, genuine invention of our own Brazilin psychiatric reform movement.
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VICTOR, Rita Meurer, ELIA, Luciano e SIMIONI, Veline
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