End of analysis and pass: a comment about the passer and the echoes of a real in the body




Lacan, Subjective dismissal, Body, End of analysis, Pass


The path of an analysis begins at the “entrance pass”, the effect of a subjective rectification, and may finish with its end, which would be the passage from psychoanalysand to psychoanalyst. This passage implies a journey through symptom and fantasy and the subjective dismissal that correlates with the crossing of the fantasy, but also the emergence of a new desire whose index would be the affection of enthusiasm. The consequence of the “original experience” of the analysis is precisely what the pass device aims to identify, as a way of evaluating the work and training of analysts in a school, by seeking to collect in the “exit pass” of the analysis the effects of that pass. In this sense, the pass would be a way of assessing whether “the real at stake in the formation of the analyst”, as Lacan says, would be active in this formation. Finally, the passer would be someone who, being in the process of completing their analysis, would be sensitive to the evidences of the end in the passing's testimony and could identify them through the echoes of that testimony in their body. The passer would then function as a sounding board that can echo with their body something of the real that was passed on to them by the passing



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How to Cite

METZGER, C. (2020). End of analysis and pass: a comment about the passer and the echoes of a real in the body. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(40), pp. 169–186. Retrieved from https://stylus.emnuvens.com.br/cs/article/view/481