The anguish and the fear of reducing ourselves to our body – one more turn on the Hans case
Anguish, Hans case, Body, JouissanceAbstract
The Hans case has become paradigmatic for understanding what anguish is and the way out that every subject can use to escape it: desire, through the paths of speech, the signifier that creates a cut between the subject and the Other. This is the path that psychoanalysis offers so that the subject can endure this encounter with the Real, as anguish is the affect that indicates the presence of the absence of lack, where something threatens to occupy that lacking place in the mirror, without image, caused by the primordial hole, the object cause subtracted in the encounter with language. In this lecture, I would like to advance on the theme of Anguish, starting from the 1970s, when Lacan not only formalized the mode of jouissance that is not-all phallic, but also located the three jouissances in the Borromean knot: phallic, the Other’s, and sens. What I find interesting about these advancements are the new interpretations Lacan made about the Hans case itself. It’s not about invalidating previous formulations, but about bringing new contributions to psychoanalytic practice.
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