Rehabilitation and the effects of science and capitalism
Capacitism, Visual impairment, Capitalist discourse, Psychoanalysis, SegregationAbstract
The aim of this article is to present reflections on ableism and segregation, which arose from the author's clinical experience in a Specialized Rehabilitation Centre for people with visual impairments. Based on the distinction between the body for medicine and the body as approached by psychoanalysis, we will try to show that vision and looking are not synonymous and that there is no relationship of dependence between seeing and knowing. We will discuss the ideal of normality which, as an effect of scientific knowledge, produces ableist ideas. Faced with the singularity of the clinic with blind and low vision people, the article will bring up the problem of science allied to capitalist discourse as producers of ableism and segregation. In conclusion, we will point to the contributions that psychoanalysis can offer.
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