Psychoanalysis OR racism
Psychoanalysis, Racism, SegregationAbstract
The article addresses the relationship between psychoanalysis and racism, a topic often underestimated by psychoanalysts, especially in Europe. It questions whether this neglect stems from indifference within the psychoanalytic community towards sociology. However, it commits to addressing the issue, recognizing its complexity and scope. It offers a critique of the conventional approach of addressing racism by associating it with the name of a psychoanalytic author, such as “Freud and racism” or “Lacan and racism,” arguing that this limits the understanding of the problem. Instead, it proposes a broader analysis, considering how psychoanalysis originated in racially homogenous societies and how the issue of alterity was initially presented in terms of religion, language, social class, and sexuality. It discusses the evolution of the concept of race in psychoanalysis, emphasizing that psychoanalysis moves away from biological naturalism and does not support an essentialist hierarchy among human groups. It highlights that psychoanalysis is rooted in difference and language, fundamentally opposing racism. It argues that psychoanalysis cannot remain indifferent to racism due to its history, especially its interaction with the history of colonization and decolonization. It emphasizes that, currently, psychoanalysis is challenged by racial and social issues, and the choice is clear: psychoanalysis or racism. It points out the incompatibility between psychoanalysis and racism, highlighting the importance of psychoanalysis contributing to the fight against racism in all its forms.
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