littoral between fashion and analytical discourse
Yves Saint-Laurent, Fashion, Analytic discourse, PasserAbstract
Aó is the word in guarani that names several possibilities of working with the fabric, such as adorning, protecting, and dressing - in such poetics, each fabric conjugates a modality of alphabet by linking, thread by thread, the stories of those who sew them in a writing about and with the body. Starting from the field of psychoanalysis as a certain treatment of the body through transference, one finds in the fashion a fruitful siltation for the teaching and transmission of psychoanalysis, since the orientation to lituraterrar the analytic discourse with other fields of knowledge, as well as the responsibility of each psychoanalyst in searching for new reading keys capable of formalizing the clinical experience. In these terms, this work is the first communication of a research on the artistic production of the french-algerian Yves Saint-Laurent, whose desire to be a dressmaker occurred early on, when he was already a designer sketching paper dresses capable of fitting mannequins made of the same material. In other words, the creations of this artist, who achieved the feat of beating time by radically reducing himself to three letters (YSL), allow us to detail and sophisticate questions dear to analysts, such as that there is no line without risk or, encore, about the edges of the design of a body.
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