Discontents and new normal

policies and effects on the body


  • Ingrid Rohem de Souza Santos Fórum Niterói
  • Priscylla de Magalhães Costa




Politics, Body, Discontents, Psychoanalysis, Pandemic


With Lacan, we are aware that there is no reality but discourse, and that discourse can touch the body in its real.  Devastated by the reality of the pandemic, the subject is experiencing the effects of the plague, and we have news of this in our clinic.  This work proposes a reflection on what has been produced in this pandemic context, from the point of view of the subjects' relations with such reality and what it unveils, passing through the field of jouissance, politics and the logic of the so-called “new-normal ”.  We observe that the reality of the pandemic has disrupted the logic of the production chain: the current power project responded with denial - the cost of which is borne by the subject with his body, which may cost him even his life;  it was up to the psychoanalyst to welcome each subject in his unique chaos, without exempting himself from his commitment to the polis



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How to Cite

Rohem de Souza Santos, I., & de Magalhães Costa, P. (2023). Discontents and new normal: policies and effects on the body. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(43), pp. 59–68. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.v1i43.936

