Dominique Fingermann: V Encontro Internacional: um movimento de “Fórum”
International Meeting,, organization, causes and consequencesAbstract
This interview was one more effort of elaboration asked to psychoanalyst Dominique Fingermann, as the president of the V International Meeting of Forums and the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field, that took place in S.o Paulo in 2008. In this interview, it is questioned: what else is left to be said about the time of psychoanalysis and psychoanalysis in its time; the causes and the consequences that can be withdrawn from this Meeting to the movement of Forums and what can be transmitted from this experience to future conferences in the Lacanian Field. It concludes that this movement of Forum is justified and has consequences. It is produced before (during the preparation), while (during the event itself), after (through the effects in everyone’s practice) and, for many years still, throughout the publications.
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