O tempo do sujeito-criança do inconsciente
Subject-child, separation, work with parents, new economy of desire, symptom and juissanceAbstract
Starting from the proposed theme, “Time in the analysis” and adding the concept of “The time of the subject of the unconscious”, the article takes first the concept of time in an historical point of view in order to follow the several definitions of subject of the unconscious that Lacan developed throughout his teaching. The article emphasizes the ephemeral time of the pulsation to refer especially to the Real, which appears in the tyche, the accident, the “witz”, the surprise. All of them circumstances in which the authomaton of the signifiers chain is avoided without disregarding the knot created with the symbolic and the imaginary. Afterwards the article deals with the particularities of the analysis with a subjectchild. Changes in the economy of jouissance that take place during the analytic process may cause the parents to put up resistances. They have the power to decide when to interrupt the analysis as long as they can avoid time to go by and arrive to the end/goals (HACE FALTA). As an equivoque, in Spanish there are two agreed significations for the frase “HACE FALTA”, one relates to the idea of something that is necessary to happen and the other refers the idea of create a lack, in the sense that psychoanalisis comes to help the analyzand to face the structural lack. Both the child and his parents will have to deal with the void left by the child when he gives up the position of the “plug-object”. Generally the child appears as the symptom of his mother or the symptom of the couple of his parents. The end-goal of the analysis enables him to become the owner and responsible of his own adverted desire, his symptom and his own juissance. As long as he moves forwards in the process of Separation, he constructs a fhanthasy (Phantasma), which at the proper time, could be crossed .
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