A introdução da “Pedra da loucura”
Discourse of the master, surplus-value extraction, object a, contemporary subjectivity, refusal of the unconscious, sinthome, “without lack” subject, self splittingAbstract
The author departs from the lacanian thesis which equates the surplus- jouissance and the loss of the objects “a” with the Marxist surplus-value extraction. These classical forms of extraction/spoliation are related to the so-called “introduction to the madness stone” as the contemporary answer – contrary to – what it was the “extraction of the madness stone” in the Middle Age. The particularity of the modern master is specified in what the subject/ slave receives, the “fake objects of jouissance provided by the industry”, already pointed out by Lacan in 1970, as well as the “right” to jouissance, which is converted into an imperative of “own right”: where the new forms of jouissance in modernity reside and the “new” clinic which is deduced from the return of the repressed in the unconscious. Several forms of “sinthome”, as a fourth ring, fill up for the absences of a Borromean knot with three rings.
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