Contra a sobreinterpretação
Interpretation, discourse of the analyst, interventions, supervisionAbstract
Departing from a dialogue with Susan Sontag’s writings on the anxiety of interpreting and with Umberto Eco’s writings on the limits of literary interpretation, the author proposes the theme to become part of analysts’ interests. Several points about interpretation are highlighted: it proposes not to confuse the deceased’s positions (highlighted by Lacan with the bridge game) with that of the corpse, once the speechless and ‘corpsed’ analyst is not an analyst indeed; the author criticizes the interpretative excess of the suffocating analyst who does not fail to interpret anything; the author also differentiates the valid interventions in a cure of the interpretation itself. Besides, the text distinguishes the interpretation which corresponds to ethics and the logic of the analytical discourse of the suggestive and persuasive interventions, and, finally, it discusses the problem of interpretation in the supervision; it articulates interpretation and transference, interpretation and après-coup.
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