Ecos do passe. (A voz-a nova)
Voice, object, dream, interpretationAbstract
The theme of this work is the logic of interpretation, with particular attention to the problem of end of analysis and its sequels. Therefore, such issues are addressed from the question about the function of the dream, but to interrogate it departing from the profile of the “little a” object, more specifically, its voice dimension. Under the “new voice-a” expression, I collect some of the consequences of the end of my analysis and the experience in the pass device. In my onw analytical experience, dreams and their interpretation have had an essential value. What would I like to highlight from the initial experience? That the dream is not the unconscious, much less the unconscious real. However, it makes way to real, it cannot provoke, but evoke it. This dimension of the real resonates in the dream, opening up the field of meaning with its voices and resonances.
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