O que responde o psicanalista sobre a perversão?
Perversion, denial, jouissanceAbstract
Departing from Freud’s and Lacan’s theoretical-clinical fundaments, the article discusses perversion, highlighting the logical move which marks perversion in Freud’s work and verifying a convergence in the propositions of both authors with regard to the differentiation between perversity and perversion as a clinical structure. The text argues that practices of perverted jouissance do not determine the perverse structure. The mathema of sadian fantasy, forged by Lacan, is taken to demonstrate the Freudian Verleugnung , the way perverse subjects find in order to deal with castration of the mother/wife. The quantic formulae of sexuation, conceived by Lacan, are used to put to evidence the fact that the difference between neurosis and perversion becomes explicit in the strategy of jouissance that the subject uses in the relationship with his/her partner. This text invites the analytical community to debate, once it expresses the deadlocks of the clinic.
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