A operância psicanalítica... ou pior
Psychoanalysis, transmission, act, logic, object aAbstract
That “analyst” nothing is predicable in terms of Universal Aristotelian logic, is what Lacan says when he proposes that the analyst, in his psychoanalytic operance should “make up to produce the object with the object.” Tell us well after the founding of their school, the analyst is the one who, by his act, does operate dit-mansion that object a, because analytical cause, knotting. It is in dit-mansion where we can appreciate how the object appears as a node of sense. That’s what Lacan proposes when points out that in the series that figure this sense, the object can take the name as “is not it” which is indicates in one side the infinitization of the series, n +1, and on the other side the possibility to name it: “there is something of (the) One” (Y’a d’l’Un) from the unary to Uniano, the object a does the node. The emergence of the cause is what sustains the analyst ever. Dimension of psychoanalytic operance in which the “respond by” each time, the analyst makes his act, his ethics.
In: _____. Outros Escritos. Tradução Vera Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge
Zahar, Ed., 2003. pp. 248-264.
LACAN, J. (1967-1968). O Seminário, Livro XV, O ato psicanalítico, inédito.
LACAN, J. (1967). Discurso na Escola freudiana de Paris. In:_____. Outros Escritos.
Tradução Vera Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Ed., 2003. pp. 265-287.
LACAN, J. (1967). Alocução sobre o ensino. In:_____. Outros Escritos. Tradução
Vera Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2003. pp. 302-310.
LACAN, J. (1967). O engano do sujeito suposto saber. In:_____. Outros Escritos.
Tradução Vera Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Ed., 2003. p. 334.
LACAN, J. (1969). O ato psicanalítico. Resumo do Seminário de 1967-1968.
In:_____. Outros Escritos. Tradução Vera Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar
Ed., 2003. pp. 371-379.
LACAN, J. (1971-1972). O Seminário, Livro XIX, ...ou pior. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge
Zahar, 2012.
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