O importante papel do humor na direção da cura


  • Silvia Lira Staciolli Castro




Obsessive neurosis, humor, superego, violence, jouissance


The objective of the article is to highlight the importance of humor in the direction of the cure. We have learned from Freud (1927/1996) that humor is able to protect the ego from the suffering caused by the severe criticism by the superego. To make the patient laugh means to allude to the superego’s friendly facet, as opposed to its merciless one. Under such a perspective, it was conducted a case of an obsessive patient who had been subjected of his hatred, and, consequently, to his emotional lack of control. Very frequently, he acted in a violent and unlimited way just like Giovanni Manzoni, a character from literature who recently came to life in the big screen. Thus, such as Manzoni, Igor is a subjectively divided subject between moral consciousness and obedience to the malefic super egotistical orders. On one hand, he suffers if he allows himself to be guided by his rage, by the unwanted and disastrous consequences. On the other hand, he suffers if he inhibits them, once he presents even physical symptoms like chest pains, nausea, and faintness. So, Igor is finally left with the following choice, to go on with his treatment.


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Author Biography

Silvia Lira Staciolli Castro

Doutora em psicologia clínica (PUC-Rio – 2009); Mestre em psicologia clínica (PUC-Rio – 2003); Psicóloga militar do corpo de saúde da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (desde 2002); Psicanalista participante da FCCL-Rio; Endereço: Estrada dos Três Rios 1173 – Sala 406 – Jacarepaguá – Rio de Janeiro – RJ - CEP: 22745-004


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How to Cite

Castro, S. L. S. (2014). O importante papel do humor na direção da cura. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (28), pp. 99–107. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.vi28.728

