O desejo do analista e o autismo
Desire of analyst, autism, alienation, Other, languageAbstract
The article examines what the psychoanalyst can do as he finds himself working with some individuals who fail to enroll in a speech, specifically in the discourse of the Other, as it happens with autistic children. The text aims to investigate the use which these children can make of the analyst’s desire, through clinical samples. It departs from the conclusion that these children become very interested in putting into action the pairs of opposing significants, demonstrating a fascination for the most archaic level of language. It also points out that far from automatizing the language and the lives of autistic children, the analyst should be alert to the possibility which may lead the child into no longer being a pure meaning of the Other and thus go into significant alienation. To this end, the article warns that it is often necessary to find an analyst who will work as the partner who can listen to them and follow how the relationship with the Other for these children unfolds.
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