Sublimação sintomática e identidade em (um caso de) melancolia
Sinthomatic sublimation, identity, melancholia, escabeauAbstract
With that very particular type of object loss experienced in melancholia, where the ‘suicided’ object, the object as the Thing, is exposed in its realness and falls 132 Stylus Revista de Psicanálise Rio de Janeiro no. 31 p.123-132 outubro 2015 as a shadow onto the subject’s ego – the bodily ego now becoming identified with this immortal Thing – the melancholic subject is thrown out of time. But to the anxious agitation and despair that accompany the return of this real jouissance may come a particular kind of solution – the artifice of art as sublimation – that can restore something of the social bond that had been broken. Sinthomatically re-linking the bodily ego that has been unlinked from the Real and the Symbolic, sublimation can provide the subject with a compensatory narcissistic structure, a stepladder, escabeau, as Lacan calls it, which knots the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary, and inserts the subject back into the social bond.
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