A escolha do sexo não vai sem dizer: O mistério do dois
The saying and sex, phallus and countenance, substituting in psychosis, the enoding of the sayingAbstract
“What determines the sex choice is not even a knowing, it is a saying”. Lacan adds in his Seminar Les non-dupes errent that what decides is nothing more than another saying, that throws itself in the hole of what is missing between the two sexes. What to do, then, in order to fill up for this “mystery of the two”, but invent this unconscious knowledge in every first encounter with the sexual intercourse, authorize and invent it. Herculine Barbin, a case of hermaphroditism in the XIX century, from whom Michel Foucault discovered the Memoirs in the legal-medical Annals, allows us to verify that there is no essence of both the masculine and feminine inscribed in the unconscious that the phallus is a countenance. The subjects, including psychotics, have the choice (whether forced or not) of posing an argument to the phallic
function, the choice of being at an all side or non side of the sexuation.
LACAN, J. (1973-1974). Le séminaire, livre 21: Les non-dupes errent. Paris: Éditions
de l’AFI.
______________. (1970-1971). Le séminaire, livre 18: D’un discours qui ne serait
pas du semblant. Paris: Seuil, 2006.
SOLER, C. (2013-2014). Humanisation? (Cours 2013-2014). Paris: Éditions du
Champ Lacanien, 2014.
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