Escolha do gênero e escolha do sexo
A lógica do fantasma em 2014
Gender, sexual differentiation, parity, difference, LacanAbstract
This work focuses on the divergence between the perspective of gender choice introduced by sociological studies in recent decades and the already classical perspective of sex choice from a psychoanalytical point of view. We consider and contrast these different ways of research and ethical engagement. The gender choice is a citizen’s right where the spirit and social devices of capitalism will take him. By contrast, in Freudian and Lacanian analysis, which takes into account anatomical and physiological differences, sex choice is not plural, but binary, in order to give its logical and fundamental place to the non-sexual relationship. In a more detailed perspective, four research pathways on the feminine in Lacanian teaching are outlined: the hysterical question, the perverse interrogation, the mystical path, and the logical exploration.
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