A essência fugaz do brilho da falta


  • Fabiano Chagas Rabêlo




Psychoanalysis, subject, memory, capitalism, science


This article discusses the analyst’s possible responses when it comes to the demands of the treatment of subjects affected by the discourse of capitalism and science. In such a process, the movie Eternal Brightness of an Spotless Mind is taken as the object of analysis in order to question the ways through which suffering and the subjective division are expressed today, considering the effects on the subject of practices which propose to regulate and suppress suffering or to guarantee the access to happiness through the access to objects of jouissance and immediate consumerism. Priority is given to the debate about the significant repetitions and the paradoxes of jouissance that remain and persist as a residue of the attempts to plan the manifestations of the subject. At the end, it is highlighted that the analyst’s challenge is to respond to these manifestations, betting on a twist of the discourse possible in each case.


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Author Biography

Fabiano Chagas Rabêlo

Membro da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano – EPFCL. Professor do Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Piauí – Campus Parnaíba. Endereço: Rua Marc Jacob, 484, Apt. 203 – CEP 64202510 – Parnaíba (PI). Tel. (86) 9809 1277/(85) 8718 7005


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How to Cite

Rabêlo, F. C. (2016). A essência fugaz do brilho da falta. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, (33), pp. 139–151. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.vi33.592

