Joyce among us
RSI, James Joyce, Ego, SinthomaAbstract
In this paper we seek to discuss the singularity of the node when it comes to the Joyce case. Lacan insists on the seminar The sinthome that the imaginary is the body, and that the image, although confused, that we have of our body is relative. And in Joyce, from his autobiography, he sees disgust for his own body. Therefore, only the imaginary would have to leave, slide like “ripe fruit peel.” The imaginary, in this knot, “is not bogged down borromeanly to what is chain with the real and unconscious,” says Lacan, since Joyce does not identify with his body, does not love his body. Lacan is emphasizing that “the idea of the self as a body has a weight, it is precisely what we call ego.” But it is the Artist’s ego, by Joyce, that has the very specific, singular reparative function in the Joyce node. A different node from the neurotic’s Borromean node, and also from the paranoia node, the clover node
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