Reinventing psychosocial care bonds and networks from psychoanalysis in times of counter-reform and confinement
Psychoanalysis in extension, Psychosocial care, Segregation, Pandemic, Subject of the unconsciousAbstract
Going through a time of pandemic with airs of pandemonium that confines and suffocates bodies calls for the reinvention of the clinic. How does that unfold in the practice of psychoanalysis in extension at a Psychosocial Care Center? In the history of madness, confinement is mark of segregation, an issue that becomes current at a time when the signifier “confinement” is imposed as public health measure. Concomitantly, the advance of the counter-reformist wave hinders the achievements of the psychiatric reform. The discourse of the analyst, like one more among other discourses that permeate the field of psychosocial care, proposes a supplementarity that does not make One, but rather, a bond that takes into account the singularity of the subject and the hole of the impossibility of the sexual relation. To this end, psychoanalysis in extension bets on an inside out interpretation of the signifier “mental” that makes possible a clinic to the letter, sustaining the (po)ethics of rescuing the segregated word to produce inventions which allow the subject to resist the effects of segregation of the subjectivity of the time. Thus, in the weavings of the technological bonds and networks under transference, the desire is relaunched of enabling the emergence of the subject of the unconscious in the urgencies imposed.
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