O encontro de Lacan com o nó borromeano
Jacques Lacan, Borromean Knot, UnconsciousAbstract
This text is the result of the work of two conferences given at the Fortaleza Forum of the Lacanian Field in February 2019, during the opening of the seminars about topology. At first, Bernard Nominé spoke about Lacan’s encounter with the Bor- romean knot and its repercussions on psychoanalysis, pointing out previously misunderstood theoretical issues that could be re-enlaced throughout his prac- tice. Then the author focused on the relation between the Borromean knot and the writing of the clinic, reminding us that our categories of neurosis, psychosis and perversion are often not sufficient to extract the logic of certain cases. Thus, it is necessary to know the handling of the Borromean chain, its main failures, consequences and possible repairs. To do so, it is necessary to go further in what the author calls “Borromean knot solfeggio”.
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