I'm beautiful, I'm Shirley, I’ve invented myself
Sexual position; Subjective position; Phallus; Semblant.Abstract
The article discusses that there is no sexual identity given out to the subject, because we are always constituted by an opinion to have or appear to be the phallus. Belonging to a sex depends on the price that the small difference will have acquired in the course of life, so it depends on the way each one stands before the significant phallus. There is no signifier that represents the woman or the man, there is only one operator that allows the unconscious to account for the sexual difference, and this operator is the phallus.
Lacan, J. (1971-1972/2012). O seminário, livro 19: …ou pior. (Vera Ribeiro, Trad.). Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar.
Lacan, J. (1972-1973/2008). O seminário, livro 20: mais, ainda. (M. D. Magno, Trad.). Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar.
Lacan, J. (1976-1977). O seminário, livro 24: l’insu que sait de l’une-béveu s’áile à mourre. Inédito.
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