Incest: the Oedipus Taboo. When the function of “at least one that does not” is failed
Incest; Avuncular; Lévi-Strauss; Jouissance.Abstract
From an early age, Lacan was able to highlight the devastating effects of the incest, placing this question in terms of ravage. In general, this seems to be the most common reference used in cases of incest to account for the symptomatic severity of patients. However, when Lacan develops the Borromean knot in Seminar 22
(Complex of Oedipus — Freudian psychic reality), it confers on the interdiction of the incest a structuring and symbolic character, being, according to Lévi-Strauss, the norm/intervention (universal and particular at the same time) that allows the passage from nature to culture. These references then require us to review the
question of the incest in logical terms of the sexuation formulas and not so much from the descriptive sense of the subject, making visible the structural failure of the “at least one that does not” function (developed during the Seminars 18, 19 and 20) and its implications at the level of the Oedipus Complex (as the fourth one that knots the three registers) and the policies of enjoyment. Undoubtedly, women as an object of enjoyment, developed in Seminar 14, plus the recent contributions from Silvia Federici on women, body and original accumulation, will be necessaries passages to understand the place of women and capital in this whole question, which is as strange as it is ominous.
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