Homosexuals, indeed, but in the feminine
Female homosexuality; Sexual position; Choice of object; Sexuation; Not all.Abstract
The present article proposes to discuss those that are called “homosexual” in the feminine, taking as its axis the Freudian case that became known as “The homosexual girl”. The author recalls that it was precisely in the writing of this case that Freud made clear the distinction between sexual position and choice of object,
and that Lacan, in reviewing it, observed how much female homosexuality teaches about the steps of the woman’s referral. The text follows some passages of the biography of Margarethe Csonka Trautenegg, which was published under the title of Desejos secretos: a história de Sidonie C., a paciente homossexual de Freud
(2008). He then develops with Lacan an articulation of sexual discourse with the female homosexual choice in order to address aspects of the logical framework of sexuation, in particular the non-whole quantifier.
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