Extract from style the knowledge of its act





Style, Anxiety, Psychoanalyst


The present article aims to articulate the notion of style with that of anxiety. Starting from Lacan's considerations that make anxiety the affect in question when the advent of the "little a" occurs, as well as the definition of style based on the same "a", we question to what extent style, as the only path to the formation of the psychoanalyst, is related to such an affect. Moreover, this text addresses two other concepts that Lacan compares with style: knowledge and truth, comparing them to the notion of know-how and the act as that which characterizes a certain type of relationship between the analyst and desire. Finally, we propose style as the know-how that extracts from anxiety the act of the psychoanalyst.


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How to Cite

Affonso Branco, J., & Inticher Binkowski, G. (2024). Extract from style the knowledge of its act. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(49), pp. 55–64. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.v1i49.1159

